Important Announcement:
Exclusive Live Online Training with Mystery (Erik von Markovik) - March and April, 2025
From the desk of Mystery (Erik von Markovik), February 6th 2025.
Dear Fellow Venusian Artist,
After completing three exclusive Live Online workshops in the last six months, my trusty wingman Ablaze (Erik Carlberg) brought something to my attention:
Most men interested in training with us couldn’t afford to do so.
Even though our last Live Online events were some of our best-priced ever, and while I’m generally accustomed to charging a premium for my services (because I’m worth it!), Ablaze insisted we offer even more low-cost options, to help men across the world gain access to our teachings.
Without further ado: I agreed to the proposal, and have since put together a group of THREE Live Online events with price points designed to eliminate excuses.
Live Online, with Mystery and Ablaze.
Here’s how it’s going down, gentlemen...
We’re offering three separate one-day training events, each with its own perks and price points.
Choose from one of three options, or choose all three and receive a bundle discount!
Pricing: $150-$375 (depending on the workshop).
$699 Bundle Discount (all three workshops).

Friday, March 21
12:00 PM EST
2-hour lecture + 1-hour Q&A
Key Foundations is a fundamental workshop for men who are strapped for cash but still want to train with me. Don’t mistake what I’m saying here: This is not a workshop that’s strictly for beginners. The fundamentals of the game are extremely important, and there's a wealth of information to be gained from these lectures.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Structured vs. Natural Game: Some say that structuring the game (like using the M3 Model) isn’t necessary, that everything we need to attract women is already within us, and that we merely need more reference experiences. Others, believe in delving into the technicalities of human behavior and courtship; they believe that the game can be highly refined, like any other skill.
What are the pros and cons to each style of game? Is there any overlap? Let’s discuss!
The 5 Keys to Proficient Pickup: The game doesn't break down to one "key" thing. However, I've found it useful to break it down into five key things—The 5 Keys to Proficient Pickup, to be more specific! The 5 Keys give us a way to compartmentalize our journey toward mastery, making our learning curve more rational—more based. They give us direction and efficiency.
Turn these keys (preferably all at once!), and watch your game explode!
Live Q&A session: Throw your best questions at me, and receive personalized feedback.
Price: $150 USD

Saturday, March 29th
12:00 PM EST start
3-hour lecture + 1.5-hour Q&A
Over my decades of teaching the elegant art of the cold approach pickup, I’ve come to realize that many men don’t fully understand some of the most important technicalities of the M3 Model (my science-backed step-by-step method for attracting beautiful women). For that reason, I’m dedicating a good portion of Workshop #2—M3 Reloaded—to hashing out some of the often-overlooked, finer details of M3.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
The 3 Stages: Every pickup goes through 3 main stages (Attraction, Comfort, and Seduction), and in sequential order. The high-level strategic stages give us direction and order. Understand them, and you've got a game plan son!
The 9 Phases: Each of the three stages of the M3 model has three phases (A1, A2, A3, C1, C2, C3, and S1, S2, S3). These mid-level tactical phases give us a further gradation of direction and order. Complete them, and you get the girl!
The 5 Levels of Game: Did you know that there are levels to this game? Did you know that most guys can't even complete Level 1—opening groups of people?
To achieve mastery, we want to be able to consistently beat all 5 Levels, like a video game!
The 5 Levels of Game are key to unlocking social circle mastery; they are, in fact, waypoints to building a better life, which is what this game is really about!
Ablaze's Ablsolute Zero Approach Anxiety: On top of that, Ablaze will be taking us through his “Absolute Zero” Approach Anxiety lecture, designed to attack, from several angles, that pesky anticipatory fear that we can often feel prior to engaging.
Live Q&A session: Throw your best questions—Get answers!
Price: $275 USD

Sunday, April 6th
12:00 PM EST start
4-hour lecture + 2-hour Extended Q&A
The saying "You get what you pay for" is highly applicable to Workshop #3. Not only are we going deep into the actionable side of game with this one, but I'm revealing some of my best kept secrets: the thoughts and beliefs that I've kept largely locked inside of my head.
Enter Workshop #3 with one frame of mind; leave with dozens! And, a checklist of proficiencies to hone, to boot!
Topics include, but are not limited to:
The 30 Proficiencies: When evaluating a man’s potential to teach the venusian arts—when determing if someone has the potential to coach for me—I’m looking for a very specific set of proficiencies that demonstrate his pickup acumen. Failure to develop any one of these thirty proficiencies means we’ll have holes in our game. Learn what those proficiencies are, why they’re important, and how to develop them.
Advanced Frames: Frames define the underlying meaning of an interaction. When a woman asks us to buy her a drink, and we comply, we're allowing a subservient frame to be set—a bad precedent is established. Conversely, when we pull out a wad of cash, hold it in front of her face, and say, "Who's money is this? Oh, right... It's my money," we're setting a frame that we're not one to be pushed around. Note: When this is done with the right delivery, it usually results in laughter.
Having even an elementary understanding of frames can do wonders to improve both our inner and outer game, but we're going to go much further than surface-level during this portion of the training. We're going to be doing a deep-dive into my belief system—the bedrock of inner game—my paradigm.
Note: I’ve been reluctant to teach my inner game—my frames—for many years and for many reasons. However, I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback on this portion of our previous Live Online training events, and have decided to make it a new cornerstone of my teachings. In other words, if you sign up for Workshop #3, you’ll be one of only a few dozen people who have been trained on these topics. Something to think about.
Gameless Game: Wouldn't it be advantageous to have all of this internalized and built into our muscle memory—the 30 Proficiencies, the M3 model, the 5 Keys and 5 Levels of Game, Absolute Zero Approach Anxiety—all of it? This is the pinnacle of game—something we call gameless game. It's the ability to unconsciously use our full ability, without having to think. It's to truly become a venusian artist—a practitioner of the arts of love!
How to get there, though? Ahhh... That... is the question!
Extended Q&A: Everyone who signs up for Workshop #3 will have the opportunity to participate in an extended question and answer session. I will field your toughest questions, and we’ll carry on for as long as necessary, to ensure that each participant has had ample time with me. While Workshop #3 is scheduled for a total of six hours, I’m prepared to put in extra time if needed.
Price: $375 USD
Special Bundle Price!
For those that know a good deal when they see one (a steal, really), purchase all three workshops and receive a bundle discount:
Bundle price: $699 USD
Since roughly the mid-2000s, training with me has been expensive, according to most men's standards. Bootcamps run for $5k and up, not to mention travel expenses.
Given that, I also enjoy watching my teachings reach men of modest means. In that spirit, I've decided to offer these online workshops for a limited time, and at historically low prices.
If there was ever a chance to meet Mystery, this is it my friend.
No more excuses!
Reserve your seat today!

¡La experiencia es excelente! ¡La experiencia de hablar con Mystery es abrumadora!
¡¡Nunca había imaginado que algún día sería capaz de sentarme frente a Mystery! :-) :-)
Fue solo en la fantasía ... Las fantasías se vuelven reales :-)
Haciendo los cálculos ahora ... Me tomó 17 años llegar a ti ... Y me alegro de haberlo hecho :-)
Vivek, Bangalore, India
Tomar el curso en línea Mystery's Live es lo mejor que puedes hacer para fortalecer tu juego.
Mystery me ayudó a arreglar mis problemas y me dio todo el material necesario para fortalecer mi juego. Como profesor, puedo decirte que la buena educación necesita 2 cosas: un buen maestro y un buen estudiante.
Mystery es un excelente maestro y él te dirá todo lo que necesitas saber para tener éxito en el arte de la dinámica social. Su estilo de enseñanza es tan bueno que realmente lo motivará a salir de la casa y practicar.
Como estudiante, depende de usted completar la tarea y salir de la casa. Si pones el trabajo como lo hice, tu juego mejorará dramáticamente. Recomiendo mucho este curso.
John, Nueva York
Fue un privilegio aprender del mejor artista del mundo.
Mystery te proporcionará orientación y material útil que te ayudará con tu vida amorosa durante el resto de tu vida.
Si no puede asistir a un campamento de entrenamiento en persona debido a razones logísticas o financieras, el curso en línea es una excelente alternativa.
Me siento honrado de ser uno de los primeros estudiantes en línea de Mystery y se lo recomendaría a cualquiera que busque mejorar su vida amorosa.
Arturo, OC, California
¿Por qué vivir la capacitación en línea?
Al igual que en las artes marciales, puedes pasar meses o años leyendo libros y viendo videos en YouTube, pero ¿llegarás a algún lugar hasta asistir a un entrenamiento con un entrenador competente?
Durante el entrenamiento Mystery's Live Online, romperás tus miedos y malos hábitos que te han mantenido atrapado, tal vez por años. Serás entrenado usando los mismos métodos que Mystery usó para entrenar a todos los otros grandes nombres de la industria, incluidos Neil Strauss y Tyler Durden, así como a miles de estudiantes felices de Mystery que pasaron de cero a héroes.
Mystery ha ayudado a innumerables hombres a cambiar sus vidas: su método no solo es aplicable para atraer mujeres, sino que también brinda herramientas para mejorar la familia, los amigos y las relaciones comerciales. Para la mayoría de los hombres, encontrar el amor es lo que finalmente se reduce a esto, y Mystery ama escuchar historias de cómo su método ayudó a los hombres a encontrar su mejor mitad y formar una familia.
Terminará la capacitación en línea de Mystery Live con herramientas recién adquiridas para llevar toda su vida al siguiente nivel.
¿Cuánto dura el entrenamiento? ¿Cuántas horas de enseñanza hay?
Mystery's Live Online consta de 3 sesiones de conferencia en línea separadas, que se realizan con una semana de diferencia cada sábado. Cada entrenamiento dura 2-3 horas. El evento no es demasiado formal y tendrás la oportunidad de hacer tus propias preguntas.
¿Puedo obtener coaching individual?
Como Mystery está ocupado con mi grupo de tutoría actual, hago coaching individual con estudiantes ya existentes que han tomado conmigo un campo de entrenamiento en vivo dentro del campo o solo mi evento Live Online with Mystery. Si ya es un alumno o ex alumno, y necesita un tiempo individual con Mystery después de la capacitación en vivo en línea, podemos configurar una videollamada a través de WhatsApp. Estaré disponible para este grupo selecto para entrenamiento y desarrollo individual por hora. Tarifa por hora disponible por solicitud.
¿Están disponibles los precios de descuento?
No ofrecemos descuentos especiales (por ejemplo, estudiantes) en este momento.
¿Qué necesito para asistir?
Bolígrafos, lápices, tu cuaderno, mente abierta y gran actitud. Cada estudiante pasa por la evaluación antes de que se haya aceptado el pago para asegurarse de que Mystery y usted sean una buena combinación de maestro y estudiante.
¿Puedo obtener un reembolso si no estoy satisfecho con la capacitación?
Hago todo lo que está a nuestro alcance para brindar una excelente capacitación, y espero que haga todo lo que esté a su alcance para ser un excelente estudiante. Mystery tiene un registro de satisfacción general del estudiante del 95% y un registro de satisfacción del 100% para Live Online, por lo que estamos 97,5% seguros de que estará contento con la capacitación. Por lo tanto, como regla general, Live Online no tiene una opción de reembolso.
¿Puedo grabar el evento con mi teléfono?
No. El material de Mystery está protegido por derechos de autor y otras leyes de propiedad intelectual, y cualquier grabación no autorizada (ya sea de audio o video) está estrictamente prohibida. Los materiales que se le proporcionan en la capacitación están protegidos por las leyes de derechos de autor y son para su uso personal en y después del evento. Se le dará una copia de la grabación de la capacitación en vivo en línea, pero no podrá distribuirla ni descargarla en línea. No está permitido enseñar formalmente ninguno de los materiales de Mystery (El modelo M3) sin un acuerdo legal. El contenido no puede copiarse, publicarse en línea o distribuirse de otra manera.
Las preguntas frecuentes y los términos y condiciones están sujetos a cambios.